Our projects

Our projects

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IN-Tour - INclusive TOURism professions.
European curricula for accessible tourism manager and frontline staff

Accessible tourism enables everyone to fully enjoy tourism-related experiences. The need to make tourism more accessible is not only a social responsibility: improving accessibility is also a good business case, as it can increase the competitiveness of tourism in Europe.

The IN-Tour project aims to fill the existing gap in the European Accessible Tourism training system by developing two quality training curricula (Inclusive Tourism Manager and Inclusive Tourism Frontline Staff), defined in a flexible and modular way in order to provide a general European reference model that can be implemented in each EU member state. The curricula will be tested through local pilot courses and will incorporate periods of on-the-job learning to analyze best practices already developed.

Funded by Erasmus+

Lead partner

A.I.S.M. Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla Onlus, Italy

Partners involved

Si4life – Scienza E Impresa Insieme Per Migliorare La Qualita’ Della Vita Scrl, Italy Università degli Studi di Genova (UNIGE), Italy | Foundation for Research and Innovation (FRI) , Italy | Hellenic Open University (HOU), Greece | Epimelitirio Ilias (EPI) , Greece | Akademie für Berufliche Bildung gGmbH (AFBB), Germany | Fachhochschule Dresden – University of Applied Sciences (FHD), Germany | Funka Nu AB (FUNKA), Sweden | Oficial chamber of commerce, industry and services of Valladolid (CAMVA), Spain | Criteria-05 S.L. (CRI05), Spain | European association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), Belgium IAAPA EMEA (registered address: IAAPA Europe IVZW) (IAAPA), Belgium | European Network For Accessible Tourism Asbl (ENAT), Belgium